

Monday, 17 January 2011

Track of the week... Rugosa Nevada - Somethings Gotta Go

The Derby-based four-piece are lined up to be the next big thing, they are on track to support Futures (and of who are having a big year too) .It's a big boost for the young rock band who have been compared with Editors and My Bloody Valentine, but to me a mash of the two is more like a good comparable.

So the track, where do I start? This is the lead track on their EP titled 'Until Bleeding EP', it starts off with drum and bass, but not the mess you hear on the radio, the good type. Wobbly bass and light drumming entice you into a terrific start. Then the guitars come in too, this adds more excitement to the song that is only 25 seconds long!

The verse breaks and a well projected voice comes over the top of the music, think of it as a darker You Me At Six-esque voice. You then are tricked into thinking the chorus is about to come, nope, they keep you on your toes and tease you with their musical ability, the verse drops and the chorus comes in. Shouting "Something's Gotta Go" throughout the chorus bringing the song to the climax and then a downward shift to some awesome guitar riffs followed by a fantastic bass riff that belongs in any bassists repertoire. Continuing this chorus just adds more excitement, then it ends (sadly), well worth the 3minutes of your life.

Rugosa Nevada - Something's Gotta Go
Out of 10: 9/10

Rugosa Nevada - Something's Gotta Go
Rugosa Nevada - Until Bleeding EP - BUY iTunes
Rugosa Nevada - Until Bleeding EP - BUY CD

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