

Monday, 31 January 2011

Track of the week... The Spires - Fireworks

The Spires come from Sheffield and create Dance, Electro music that can get anyone looking down and seeing their foot tapping away! They are a three-piece that combine Synths, Guitars, Drums and amazing Vocals to create this amazing track.

The track starts off with a ticking synth keyboard then flourishes into the verse which builds and builds until the chorus hits. The vocals start the ball rolling with a warm synth flowing in the background and the guitar riff coming in over the top. I first thought they must use a drum machine because the drums are so neat and tidy. Nope, they use an actual person! Kudos to him, brilliant work! The whole song is adrenaline filled and is a real ear pleaser!

Out of 10: 9/10

The Spires - Fireworks

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