Three Words:
Started off with some amazing synth and bass playing, you can hear their full potential straight away with this song. The vocals kick in and the missing piece of the jig-saw is complete when the guitar comes in and the chorus bursts out. Brilliant!
Out of 10: 9/10
With a different mode of entry into this song the major piece is the guitar work, but then it gives way to the synth and Bennys' vocals. With a bridge to be proud of they do build up the chorus to the max, but with some odd clunking in the background it doesn't help but distract you from the song. Still a rather good song once again!
Out of 10: 7/10
The Element Of Surprise:
A slow track, and this is one of the best tracks on the album! Showing that you are more than a rock band is sometimes hard, but Whitemoor have stunned me with this astounding track. However, in a good way the song builds and ends in a flourish. Very memorable!
Out of 10: 8/10
Burning Flowers:
Maybe the radio song that most would end up liking. Warming guitars, sing-a-long lyrics and top-tapping beats. Maybe it is me but they do like the synth don't they. But I guess it is their sound, fair to them. But once again it is the guitar that gets me. The ending is superb!
Out of 10: 8/10
Lay Me Down:
A track Feeder would be expected to play, seriously, this does sound like Feeder wrote it then Whitemoor decided to pinch it. If they did, naughty boys. But if not they have written a brilliant track that has got me more attached to them! Once again it is Barringtons guitar that gets me in the mood with brilliant playing!
Out of 10: 8/10

Remember Remember:
Another slow track and it sounds to be more acoustic, this is a different turn to the album, maybe a tad of a distraction, but I don't care. You always take a de-tour if you something good is nearby, and this is what Whitemoor are about. Sounding more like Snow Patrol more than The Killers, but is that a bad thing? No. I love it!
Out of 10: 9/10
With the amazing riffs back for another round you are not disappointed! Throbbing bass and fucking fast drum playing, you know when they have skill and endurance is when they can (basically) pummel the drums to a pulp! Amazing too! I am so glad they sent me their album to review. Another gem on the album!
Out of 10: 8/10
Sounding a bit darker on the intro compared to their other tracks they really are showing you what they can be capable of. A dark song to be listening to on Valentines day really does put it into perspective for me... Yea so, a darker song but honestly it is a nice departure from the sound I have became accustom with.
Out of 10: 7/10
With Landscapes:
An ear-pleaser if ever I saw one, amazing is a word sometimes overused. But. This... this is amazing! Once again it is a slow track but that doesn't change one bit. I shall leave it for you to decide but this deserves a TEN!
Out of 10: 10/10

At The Crescendo:
Wavey guitars enter your ears as the song starts, then an outburst of more sound from this amazing four-piece. The verse comes in and it becomes a bit more stripped down, but that's ok, this song is so gentle on the ears that they are forgiven for the (if anything) lack of noise. Near perfection, this song sounds brilliant. Worth it for anyone who decides to give it a listen!
Out of 10: 9/10
The last song on the album (aww), with a twinkling start to the beginning and all round superb playing this is a nice way to finish the album off. Gentle again and gives you a fond farewell on what has been an amazing album.
Out of 10: 8/10
Whitemoor - Whitemoor
Out of 10: 8.4/10
With Landscapes by WhiteMoor
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