

Monday, 14 March 2011

Single Review... The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Belong / I Wanna Go All The Way

This is one of the most upbeat songs I have heard in a while, the distorted guitar in the intro is just a briliant idea, soft vocals too are a treat to the ear! The sweet melodies drizzled on top of this song makes it for me, reminds me a bit of 90's Indie-Rock, but not in a bad way. But towards the end of the song the vocals get out played by the guitars, you can just about hear it. But none the less a brilliant song
Out of 10: 8/10

I Wanna Go All The Way:
The b-side is equally as good with the vocals a bit more apparent, a song about sex, but sounds more like a love song for the 21st century. With a good riff and thick bass flowing through the song it feels bigger than the A-Side of the single. And any song with hand-claps is a good one for me, I can imagine this live to be a good spectacle.
Out of 10: 8/10

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Belong / I Wanna Go All The Way
Out of 10: 8/10

The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - I Wanna Go All The Way by Vicente EDPMC


By - Fred Bambridge

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