

Friday, 17 June 2011

It's All Indie News: Featured On An Isreali Website

Here is the link - [CLICK]

Google Translated...

"Some indie you will - comes hot recommendation music blog I've discovered recently. It's called It's All Indie and includes a small crowd of 3,500 Facebook friends. Main page you can hear and read about the new singles of bands like Arctic Monkeys and The Vaccines, but if you dig a little more, you'll be happy to hear about all kinds of interesting news coming from London, Paris, U.S. and even Stockholm. Blog is not updated frequently (about once week) but the inventory of the most interesting bands I've discovered there is just worth to be their fan. and we can not recommend without giving a demonstration: These are the Peace, a quartet from England and they probably definitely one of the most Mranim I've heard recently."

Thanks to the person that liked us and blogged about us, Fred,x

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