

Monday, 20 June 2011

News: Ideals Release Back Catalogue

The Ipswich/London based four piece band have decided to release their back catalogue of singles as an EP for the fans. It costs £2.99 and with that you get the highly acclaimed song 'Lungs' alongside the rest of the other singles they have released. One song that some fans may not know of is 'Love Song' which I have only seen another blog (Sucking Lemons) give away as a download.

This is 6 tracks long and is a little taster for the fans while they await the arrival of their new EP which is due for release in the summer of 2011. They will then be going to record their début album after that and who knows where they'll be in 18 months time! My advice, get the 'Singles Collection' now while you can! Have a taste of it below in the soundcloud link.

Ideals Tracks (In order of release) by intruderrecords

Ideals - 'Singles Collection' EP

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