

Monday, 13 June 2011

News: New Kele EP / Bloc Party Back Soon?

With Bloc Party rumored to return this year and recording songs Kele Okereke (Singer and Rhythm Guitar) is finishing some tracks on the 'filler' to his album and the new Bloc Party stuff. Bloc Party have had a tendency to put out a 'filler' track to bridge the albums and give the fans a new track to listen to after one album has been out and the 2nd one is a year away.

This is a direct quote from XXXChange
"I Finished up producing and mixing 3 songs for Kele Okereke’s new EP. did a few days with Peaches and wrote some really good new jams for her. here some flicks and one of the better EMS Synthi VCS3 patches we came up with…. basically just copy the settings shown here then wiggle the filter freq knob and you’ll see what I mean=)"

So with this in mind the new Kele tracks would provide as a filler to the Kele album and the 4th Bloc Party album. He has featured on a track by Martin Solveig 'Ready 2 Go' and some fans thought this might be the last we would hear of him before Bloc Party return. But alas, we look forward to an EP.

Martin Solveig - Ready 2 Go

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