

Thursday, 10 November 2011

EP Review... Ideals - Let Your Anger Leave You EP

Ideals have been one of our tips for 2011, and they are now set to be also in our tips for 2012 list no thanks to this astonishing EP! The quartet from London/Ipswich have been holed up on the studio for the past few months and the outcome is this...

Let Your Anger Leave You:
The EP opens with the title track - 'Let Your Anger Leave You' - it's a rush of guitars that welcomes you and then you're held back with the quick drumming and Andrews vocals. I do like the addition of (what seem to be) synths playing their way in the chorus, the end of the track is just amazing with even more high tone riffs, what a way to start the EP!
Out of 10: 9/10

Every Time I Say It:
Probably the best track on the EP to follow 'Let Your Anger...' as it continues the heartwarming lyrics and riffs, not to mention the amount of effort put into this by the band. Sadly they've lost a member, but gained someone just as good. This does seem to be a song about love and the pitfalls of a relationship.
"Every time I see it, but I don't think you do"
The latter half of the track of the track just screams Radio 1 material, just amazing, produced to perfection too!
Out of 10: 9/10

One of the 'oldest' tracks on the EP, the band have been playing this for a while now and since hearing the demo of this song it's astonishing how far the band has come since this songs conception. With full on Chapel Club-esque riffs in the background and Andrews intoxicating British accent no wonder the Europeans go crazy for this song! The breakdown of the track near the end is a great touch, it lets you get ready for the Post-Punk Revival riffs that this band is renowned for.
Out of 10: 9/10

Do You Feel Like Home:
The slow track on the EP, I can really see this being one of those cult songs that the fans just have to love! I really do love the opening, gianing more and more layers as it goes on. Backing vocals becoming apparent towards the end of the chorus just makes this track to haunting. This track doesn't drop below brilliant at one single point! From the jangly guitar at the start to the last beat of the drum this track really does deliver, this makes the EP that little bit more exciting!
Out of 10: 10/10

Eyes Open:
This is a strange track if you're a die hard Ideals fan, a 6 minute long track. Yet another slow start to the song but unlike the one before it this one becomes faster and bigger the more you listen to it! With the guitars in the background giving you a hint of what's to come, getting revved up for the drop around the 3:10 mark, this trumps anything I've heard from The National and Chapel Club, honestly it does! Once again, the youthful band making a track better than their influences ever could do!
Out of 10: 9/10

Save Your Handshakes:
This sounds like what 'Lungs' would sound like if they re-done it, a song to define this band by. I don't know how they do it but they've crafted another gem, this seems to be a formality now doesn't it? The best riffs on the EP, as well as that you can hear Ben giving it his all on the drums, one of the tracks that'll stay with me for a while, I just love it!
Out of 10: 9/10

Bravest Man:
What an EP this has been, Ideals have provided us with tracks that can easily be compared to the likes of Joy Division, Chapel Club and The National. This track combines all of the above and blends them down into this amazing closing track. 'Bravest Man' is yet again a show stopper with dynamic instrumentation and at points ghostly backing vocals adding depth to the song.
Out of 10: 9/10

Ideals - Let Your Anger Leave You EP
Out of 10: 9.1/10

Ideals - Let Your Anger Leave You by intruderrecords


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