

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Sounds of 2012 - #8 - New Ivory

So number 8 on the 'Sounds of 2012' list is New Ivory. A London based Post-Punk Revival band who are signed on to the Dim Mak label, that alone gets them into the top 10! The label is renowned for unearthing talented bands such as Bloc Party before the other labels even know of their existence.

We've reviewed their latest single 'Something You Should Know' and it got 9/10 from us, also their début track- 'A Knight' - was a track of the week back in June, and the track is even in the final for 'Track of the year'. Back to the list, with an album that is eagerly awaited by me and a few of my friends - and not forgetting the rest of the music industry - 2012 will see them rise up the 'Indie' ladder and produce a massive début album that'll have the big labels swarming all over them!

New Ivory - A Knight (Acoustic Version)


  1. But "new ivory" isn't an italian band ???

  2. Yes they are, they just pretend not to be italian

  3. Guess you live in London but pretend not to be Italian. Hmm! Who gives a fuck where they come from, they FUCKING ROCK!
