I can't start to tell you what a great group of guys they are, really professional in the way they play their music, opening with an Arctic Monkeys song; 'I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor' went down a right treat with me and the crowd. They went on to play a wide variety of their songs with the set culminating in my personal favourite track of their called 'Found'. It's a great Latin-Rock track with great melodies and acoustic guitars! They've got a few more dates in the UK but the one they're most looking forward to is the Harlow show today (22nd March 2012), if you are near-by go and see them, they're what makes this blog worth while, finding great bands, not just in the UK, not just Europe but from all over the world. These guys really deserve a big crowd and I'm sure they'll do it at Harlow. I love them for coming so far, VIVA EL RIO!