

Monday, 24 December 2012

Track of the week... Dan Croll - From Nowhere

Ok, so this song has been out for 4 months by the time of me posting it. Yet however we have been seriously loving his work for the past week, and a few days ago me and some mates caught him play KoKo in London and I thought this track easily rounds off our year, Dan Croll - 'From Nowhere', just give it a listen to, it's Indie-Pop at it's best!

The track has a bouncy feel to it yet not too cliché, and at that, a very bold statement from Dan! A very unique track in it's genre too, and it seems that he is not afraid to be different, if you check out his other songs (live and studio) are all at the same high quality and we can't wait to hear what else he has got in stall for the next release, all we know is that we love 'From Nowhere' and that's why it's 'Track of the week'

You can also check out his festive track HERE.

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