

Friday 26 July 2013

EP Review... Bloc Party - The Nextwave Sessions EP

We're massive Bloc Party fans here, and it's safe to say that when they went on hiatus back in 2009 we started the blog. Coincidence? Well no, I wanted to find the next Bloc Party before anyone else did, and since it's snowballed into this! So I am very excited to bring to you a fans' review of the EP. Written by myself (Fred).

The EP opens with the rather dance and radio friendly "Ratchet", after being in their set for nearly 8 months fans have been rather eager to hear a fully recorded version, and when it dropped in June we were shocked how well we warmed to it. "Make it loud, make it proud, just make it count!" - You certainly make it count, this song has seen them re-capture their fans imagination, especially with the help of the rather awesome video! A dance-floor filler for any Indie club-night!
Out of 10: 8/10

The EP then takes a turn away from the dancey Indie-Rock, "Obscene" is more of a Kele solo-track rather than a Bloc Party track, with gentle vocals caressing the slow drum beat and wobbly bass you may think that this is a cut from "The Boxer" (Kele's solo album). But with Russell playing away with some slow guitar in the background you may be also forgiven to think this is a track off their third album "Intimacy" - it's got that vibe towards it, mainly synth, Kele and electronic beats.We're not hating on it one bit, if anything, one of the best Bloc Party tracks we've heard in a long time!
Out of 10: 9/10

French Exit:
Back to the good old days, just four guys and their instruments, no flim flam! "French Exit" starts off with a bang, Russell's guitar, tight drumming from Matt and Kele verging on rapping over the top. When the bridge comes in towards the end it really reminds us of "Hunting For Witches". This whole song shouts "A Weekend In The City" - slightly electronic but not shying away from the four instruments that made them who they are. By far my favourite song on the whole release. When you hear it you'll know why!
Out of 10: 9.5/10

A slow track once again, breaking the release down once more. Some lovely moments happen in this track. The duel between Russell's guitar and Kele's vocals throughout the track is just amazing, really shows anyone who hasn't listened to the band before what can be done with conventional instruments. The slow track has one problem in my eyes, it doesn't go anywhere, it has a small crescendo towards the end, but that is simply more effects on the guitar. Easily a track you can listen to over and over again and not get bored over, it's the love track of the EP.
Out of 10: 8/10

Children Of The Future:
The track that started the whispers of new material, origionally on set-lists as "Little Red" - which turned out to be a red herring - this is the closer of the EP, and it leaves a bitter-sweet taste for me. Not the song I would've picked as the closing track, simply because it doesn't really sound like Bloc Party. However, that doesn't mean that it's shit, they've taken on-board some key influences here, I can hear early Smashing Pumpkins and a bit of Ash. This is the closest thing you can you'll be able to get to the 'Union' and 'The Angel Range' days, a delicate guitar track for the fans to love for years to come!
Out of 10: 7/10

Bloc Party - The Nextwave Sessions EP
Out of 10: 8/10

This ISN'T the end of Bloc Party, but just an interval, a stop-over, a rest. Call it what you want, I don't see this being the end, god no! I can see the EP being a huge success, more than "Four"? Well with the diversity of the tracks included in the release I can safely say I enjoyed this a lot on the first listen! The EP shows the band doing what they do best, danceable Indie-Rock, slow jams, love songs, guitar driven anthems and possibly the closest song we're going to get to the 'Union' demos. Pick a copy of this up if you've got any love for the band!

If you impatient for the EP, head over HERE to check out live versions of the new tracks!


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