

Monday 19 March 2012

Interview... with Gentlemen's Club

Here I am sat at my PC and what do I have before me? Two members of Gentlemen's Club on group chat, we enquire about their up-coming EP, how they came about as a band and what made them pick up their respected instruments.

Evening Guys, right first off, what made you decide to pick up instruments?
Conor: Well my Dad played drums when he was younger and he told me about the shows he use to play and everything and it made me want to start playing.

Callum: I remember when I was about 12 or 13, some of mates had all picked up instruments and were looking at starting up a band, but they didn't have a bass player. So I thought it would be cool to maybe play bass, so I went to one of their band practices at school in the music room.Picked up a bass, started messing around on it and really enjoyed it, so I got one and started jamming with them!

Ok then, thanks guys, you're a young band yet you have such a mature sound, what music do you listen to get inspired?
Callum: Not typically Indie music Like I said, if I want to write a bass-line I'll listen to something like Red Hot Chilli Peppers, or the other day I was listening to the clash at band practice,

well I would say mainly Foals and Little Comets are the big ones for me, but, I also like people to dance to are music and go mental so I think listening to dance music as
well helps.

How did you guys get into Gentlemen's Club? How did it all start?
Callum: Well it started off me and Tom were really close mates in school but I felt I never saw him outside of school. I knew he played Ukulele and I thought it would be interesting to jam with him, so I invited him round my house for a jam. We loved messing around and decided to make it a weekly thing! After a while we started writing our own stuff and were looking for a singer, I used to be in a pop punk band with Joe a few years ago and said to Tom we should get him on vocals. So Joe comes down and his voice fits the music really well then we decide to make a band called Gentlemen's Club. We wrote about five or so songs and then decide we should maybe look at getting a drummer. Joe suggested Conor who used to play drums like 5 years ago but I was sceptical because if he was shit I didn't want to be the one to tell him he couldn't join... Then one evening I said to Conor "You're in!", and over to you Conor...

Conor: Well this is my 'story so far', after a while I decided to come to a band practice (Callum was late as usual) and we were all surprised to be honest about how well it all went together and after a while they said I could join, I was really happy with that!

With the new EP coming up what can fans expect?
Callum: I think they can expect to hear a sound that's more polished and refined than last time. One that's had more thought go into it and pushed the boundaries a little more. And I think that on the whole it’s a stronger EP than the début one, the songs are better and so is the recording quality

Conor: We have come so much further as a band since the last one! And I think this one means a lot more to us than the other release.

Thanks guys! Finally... If you could support ANY band ever in existence who would it be and why?
Conor: I think I'm going to go slightly boring and say foals they are my favourite band and I know it’s a stupid answer but if I'm like what song should I listen to it always ends up being Foals!

Callum: I'd say someone who was absolutely fucking massive and is a classic band who are believed to be one of the all time greats, someone like Nirvana, so I could hang out with Kurt Cobain and have a conversation with him. But then again man, I might choose The Beatles, just to say "I've played with the fucking Beatles!"

My thanks go to Conor and Callum for chatting to me, you can get their EP for FREE on March 26th. Or if you fancy it a bit early we'll have the exclusive on Saturday the 24th. To get in the mood you can listen to a teaser below, and download a free MP3 too!


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