

Monday 16 July 2012

Track of the week... Moats - Skin

Now the chances that you would know who this band is very slim, they played their first show yesterday at their local festival in Hitchin. The band are based in Biggleswade and produce some amazing Tropical laden Indie-Pop guitar anthems.

The track that caught us on the initial listen was 'Skin', it's got a slow and gentile start and then the vocals of Matthew come in and lulls you into a trance. The whole song isn't like that though, the chorus comes and it couldn't be anything from the start of the song. It's so upbeat and it's so easy to get a dance on to with. They've tapped into a genre that seems to be getting harder to become distinctive in, but based on 'Skin' alone and the band's determination you know this'll just be the start for them!


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