

Friday 6 February 2015

Tom Levin unveils new single "Everyday"

Tom Levin is back with a new single inspired by everyday life, crayon paintings, bumblebees and rivers. On his latest album, "Them Buffalo & Them Feet" he mixed blues, gospel and bluegrass with inspiration from indie and hip hop. The result was appreciated worldwide, including The Rock And Roll Report and Wildy's World calling it one of the best albums of 2014.

“I wrote the song when my then three year old son proudly showed how he had drawn with crayons on our wall. My spontaneous reaction was of course to tell him he is absolutely forbidden to do so but instead I said that it was a very nice river he had drawn. And then my anger disappeared completely when he said: "No, Daddy, that’s not a river, it's a bumblebee" he says.

Listen  / [SOUNDCLOUD]

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