

Monday 2 February 2015

Track of the week... Frett - Silent Alarm

Ten years ago to the week Bloc Party released their début album "Silent Alarm", so it's no coincidence that today is also the release date of Frett's track of the same title. So what does Frett's "Silent Alarm" have? Well it's got dark-pop hooks, heavily distorted vocals and some delicate guitar tones, similar that of Bloc Party's work, a coincidence? This track shows that Frett have matured over the past year and this is easily their biggest statement as an artist so far.

The duo of Simon and Elliott have been touched by the album as much as the next person, and I guess this is a perfect homage to the band that influenced the track. If you wait for the drop in the latter third of the track it just explodes into an electronic frenzy of noises, multiple guitars, multiple synths and washed out vocals draped all over it. They've shaken off the Alt-J tag now and Frett are definitely here, and here to stay!

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