

Saturday 9 May 2015

Interview... with SuperGlu

SuperGlu are going to be one of the hottest bands around next year of they continue along the same lines as the last 12 months. After having their first ever demo being played on the radio within a matter of days of the recording being finished they're certainly on the rise, and quickly too. But first we chatted to Krista (Bass & Vocals) about everything to do with SuperGlu.

The band

If you could describe your band to someone who's not heard a track of yours, what would you describe yourselves to be?
In the past we’ve described our music as ‘bubble-gum pop’, though I’m not even sure what that means anymore. So I guess we’ll opt for guitar-driven pop songs, with all four members yelling as loud as possible in the hope that some kinds of harmonies are achieved.

Who are the key influences of your music?
That one next-door neighbour that mows his lawn at 8am every Sunday morning, a nice cup of tea in your favourite mug and a reluctance to remove the unexpected item from the bagging area.

When your début track got played on the radio, how did it feel knowing that with your very first strike you hit the airwaves?
It was pretty crazy to be honest, we never thought we’d record a song, let alone release it in such a short amount of time. Once we found out it had been played on the radio we were in absolute shock! We spent the day feeling like kings whilst Ben Brown spoke on the phone to local newspapers and our Mums posted loving/cringe-worthy statuses on Facebook.

When do you find you do most of your writing?
We usually write the songs in Ben’s front room, commonly known as the ‘Grot Box’. This entails sitting around on camping chairs, countless trips to Tesco and trading of an old trainer just to not do the washing up.

How do the songs start for you? Do you write lyrics first then the music, or does it start from a guitar loop?
Superglu was formed in the summer of 2014 when the Bens spent so many days on end hanging out with each other that they eventually got cabin fever and went totally stir-crazy. After discussing pretty much the same topics: self-loathing, hierarchies of supermarket lager and hair-loss, little nuggets of these conversations slowly but surely started to form phrases, then lyrics, then songs. Since then the majority of tracks have been formed from a guitar loop that has probably been written at 3am the morning before, lyrics sometimes come first but it’s likely they are formed as the song itself progresses. The most exciting thing that we find about playing music in a band is the fact that every person can interpret a song differently.

What would be your next release, a single or an EP?
As well as planning a tour for our current single ‘Diving Bell’ we are currently recording for our first E.P – the hard bit will be choosing from our ever-expanding collection of songs. Then who knows what’s next...! We can’t thank Jason at Antigen Records enough for enabling it to happen…as well as our dear friends who help us organise/pick up equipment due to the embarrassing fact that none of us can drive.

What would be your best show that you've played to date?
It honestly has to be our first ever show in a tiny pub in Ipswich, we had only ever practiced about three times as a band and were super proud of the fact we actually managed to string a few chords together and sing roughly in tune…Next up has to be supporting Menace Beach at Norwich Arts Centre. It was our first gig outside of Essex/Suffolk, and we were amazed at how professional everyone was as well as having the joys of entertaining a wonderful and supportive crowd – Krista nearly cried about the fact we sold out of Merch and Alex Brown had girls chasing after him and wanting to buy drinks for the “sexiest man alive”.

And if you could curate a festival, who would be your ideal headliners?
Ben Ward recently saw McBusted live in concert and although he claimed to be reluctant to go we later found out he lost his mind and spent the majority of the night running around wildly – this included being escorted from the area and screaming about how much truly missed the presence of pop-punk legend Charlie Simpson. Perhaps we could make his dream come true and make this reunion happen??

What tips would you give to an aspiring musician? ...
To always make sure you’re enjoying yourself - sounds cringey but it’s definitely the having fun part which matters the most.

... And finally, what are you listening to at the moment?
We all really dig music but we can’t help tuning into The Archers - our hearts go out to Lynda’s dog Scruff. xoxo

Buy / SuperGlu - Diving Bell 7" 
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